
Energy - Economy - Environment  Modelling  Laboratory
Research and Policy Analysis

The Energy-Economy-Environment Modelling Laboratory E3MLab operating within the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems of the National Technical University of Athens (ICCS/NTUA), Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, is a laboratory that specializes in the construction and use of large scale computerised models covering the areas of Energy, the Economy and the Environment. Such models are used to make projections and analyse complex issues requiring system-wide consideration. Special emphasis is given to policy analysis and support.

About the Energy-Economy-Environment Modelling LABoratory

E3M-Lab is a research laboratory operating, since 1988, within the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems of the National Technical University of Athens (ICCS/NTUA).

It specializes in the field of energy systems analysis and economics, macroeconomics and environmental economics by using and developing large-scale mathematical models based on advanced techniques of Applied Econometrics, Operations Research and Computer-based Information Systems. The researchers of the laboratory combine economic analysis with a thorough engineering evaluation and support of technology forecasting in the energy domain and focus on quantitative economic analysis and directly support economic, energy and environmental policy for the European Union and other world regions. The laboratory offers policy analysis studies and consulting services worldwide and is organized as a professional service providing entity.

E3M-Lab maintains data and prepares forecasts and scenario analysis for the energy systems and markets of thirty seven (37) European countries. Since 1990, E3MLab prepares the Reference or Baseline scenarios for DG ENERGY, DG CLIMA and DG MOVE on Energy Outlook for the EU (latest “EU Reference 2016”), -previously the Trends to 2030 or 2050 publications. E3MLab has carried out numerous studies for the EC impact assessments for the Low Carbon Economy Roadmap 2050 communication (European Commission, 2010), the White Paper on Transport (European Commission, 2011), the Eurelectric Power Choices study and the Reloaded version (2009 and 2013), Power Choices and Role of Electricity studies (2010 and 2008), the Energy Roadmap 2050 (European Commission, 2011), the Climate Change Action and RES policy package (in 2008), the EU ETS, the Sixth Environmental Priorities Program, the legislative package on CCS, the Strategic Energy Review, the Green Paper on Security of Energy Supply. Similar service has been provided to several governmental agencies in Europe (France, Germany, Belgium, Spain, UK, Ireland, Portugal, Greece and others) and to private companies. Recently E3MLab carried out the background modelling work for the 2030 Energy and Climate Policy Package and for the Energy Winter Package 2016.

E3M-Lab develops and maintains several sector-specific models. The energy model developed and maintained for all the European Union Member States is PRIMES (energy market equilibrium engineering-economic model used for the long term and the study of structural changes in energy markets). For the transport sector the PRIMES-TREMOVE transport model has been developed and is maintained; the model is fully integrated into the main PRIMES model. For economic impact assessment and macroeconomic studies, E3M-Lab has developed GEM-E3 (general equilibrium macro-economic model applied to World regions and to EU specific countries too) which is widely used in Europe, also independently by other organizations. The PRIMES biomass supply model has also been recently updated and provides detailed sectorial information about the bio-energy supply sector. E3M-Lab also developed and maintains the PROMETHEUS world energy model (a stochastic world energy/technology model rich in representation of world oil and gas markets). E3M-Lab also developed and maintains detailed sectorial models as the PRIMES-Gas for the Eurasian gas market and infrastructure. All models have been recently updated to include the latest available statistical data.

The laboratory has accumulated a considerable information basis for a large spectrum of existing and new energy and transport technologies. This information concerns technical characteristics, operation analysis, costs, lifetimes and market-related parameters. The basis covers vehicle technologies, energy use technologies, electric power, refineries, gas distribution, oil and gas extraction, renewable and others. The laboratory has accumulated extensive experience in power systems planning, power regulation and economics and investment analysis.

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